Sunday, July 31, 2011

Got Second Day Blues?

I recently bough a new bottle of dry of my favorite dry shampoo. I took it out the other day to use it and the sprayer wouldn't work! I had to find an alternative fast! I searched under my parents sinks and found it. Baby powder! I have an extremely oily head so I need a good product for second day hair, and this has become my holy grail. Here is my tutorial on how to make your second day hair ready for the world! Enjoy!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Natural Smokey Eye Tutorial

Hey guys!

So I filmed this tutorial (twice) and I told you I'd get the swatches up!

So these are the colors I used in the tutorial(left to right).

And here is the tutorial!


Friday, July 22, 2011

Summer is Pretty Much Over

I feel like I never have time to do anything anymore. It's insane summer is supposed to be fun and relaxing, right? I guess not for me. I'm constantly at school or work or practice and when I'm not I'm eating or sleeping. Sorry enough complaining. I'm extremely excited about next week being my last week of summer school and my boyfriend is coming back from Florida on August first.

I'm planning on doing a tag video that Alybaly13 sent me, a room tour (as soon as its rearranged... I know it has taken me FOREVER), and two college videos: one about Greek Life and the other about what to bring to college.

Anyways, this summer has flown by like crazy on August 20th I'll be moving back into a dorm which I am extremely excited about. But I am nervous; I'm taking 21 credit hours next semester, keeping my part time fast food job, and I have university athletic practice twice a week. And on top of that I have my university job, two self-owned businesses, and my boyfriend (saved the best for last of course (; hehe). I am insane. That's all. (:


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mini Haul & Hair Tutorial!

Enjoy the latest vids!


Organizing a planner!

More organization videos?! Yep, just as requested!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

College Organization

This was a video I did on how to keep binders and notebooks organized for college classes. This is also useful for high school classes, although you may have to use a bigger binder for year long classes. (: Enjoy!
