Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weight Loss Challenge: Week One

Hey Everyone!

Everyone meaning no one since no one actually reads my blog... (:

Today is my first "Progress Day" for my Weight Loss Challenge. Every Sunday I will be updating my blog with my weight loss for that week! I won't be making any more Weight Loss Challenge Videos because I feel like they're boring and not worth the time.

So on with the Progress Announcement! Last Sunday I weighed 180.6 lbs. Today I weighed myself to find I now am at 179.4 lbs! Although it is not a huge change I lost a little over 1 pound in the past week and I am proud of myself!

I would like to loose more during the length of a week but if 1 pound each week is the most I'll lose over the summer I still think I'll be pretty happy with myself!

Thanks for reading (if anyone really is out there...)


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